Cloud Providers


Cloud Providers

Cloud providers are entities that provide computational cloud resources.

List cloud providers

GET /v2/cloud/cloud_providers

This action lists the cloud providers supported by the platform.




An array of cloud providers with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the cloud provider.
name String Name of the cloud provider.
disambiguation String Continuation of the cloud provider name with disambiguation purposes, it is only of use in the context of admin integrations
required_credentials Array of Strings The list of credentials parameters needed to create a cloud account for this provider.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "cloud_provider".

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List cloud accounts of a cloud provider

GET /v2/cloud/cloud_providers/:id/cloud_accounts

This action lists the cloud accounts offered by the cloud provider identified by the given id.




An array of cloud accounts with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the cloud account.
cloud_provider_id String Identifier of the cloud provider.
name String The logical name for the cloud account.
last_discovered_at Time Time at which the cloud account was last searched for server candidates for brownfield importing.
last_discovery_failed_at Time Last time at which the cloud account's discovery of server candidates for brownfield importing failed.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "cloud_account".
supports_importing Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing servers
supports_importing_vpcs Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing VPCs
supports_importing_floating_ips Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing floating IPs
supports_importing_volumes Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing volumes

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List server plans of a cloud provider

GET /v2/cloud/cloud_providers/:cloud_provider_id/server_plans

This action lists the server plans offered by the cloud provider identified by the given id.




An array of server plans with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the server plan.
name String Name of the server plan.
memory String Amount of memory the server plan has, in MB.
cpus String Number of CPUs the server plan has.
storage String Storage capacity the server plan has, in GB.
cloud_provider_id String Identifier of the cloud provider.
location_id String Identifier of the location of the server plan.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm of the server plan.
realm_provider_name String Name of the realm of the server plan.
flavour_provider_name String Name of the flavour of the server plan.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "server_plan".

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List realms of a cloud provider

GET /v2/cloud/cloud_providers/:cloud_provider_id/realms

This action lists the realms offered by the cloud provider identified by the given id.




An array of realms with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the realm.
name String Logical name of the realm.
deprecated Boolean Indicates whether this realm is deprecated in the system, so a server or server array uses it but no new servers or server arrays can be deployed in this realm.
provider_name String Identifier of the realm in the cloud provider.
cloud_provider_id String Identifier of the cloud provider where this realm belongs.
location_id String Identifier of the location where this realm is.
location_id String Location of the server.

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List storage plans of a cloud provider

GET /v2/cloud/cloud_providers/:cloud_provider_id/storage_plans

This action lists the storage plans offered by the cloud provider identified by the given id.




An array of storage plans with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the storage plan.
name String Name of the storage plan.
min_size Integer Indicates the minimum size a volume with this storage plan can have
max_size Integer Indicates the maximum size a volume with this storage plan can have
realm_id String Indicates the Id of the realm of the cloud provider.
cloud_provider_id String Identifier of the associated cloud provider.
location_id String Location of the storage plan.
realm_provider_name String Name of the realm of the cloud provider.
flavour_provider_name String Name of the flavour on the cloud provider.
deprecated Boolean Indicates if the storage plan is deprecated.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "storage_plan".

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List load balancer plans of a cloud provider

GET /v2/cloud/cloud_providers/:cloud_provider_id/load_balancer_plans

This action lists the load balancer plans offered by the cloud provider identified by the given id.




An array of load balancer plans with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the storage plan.
name String Name of the storage plan.
protocol String The protocol of the load balancer plan.
rule_fields String State of the load balancer.
health_check_protocols Array of Strings List of protocols available in the load balancer plan.
health_check_interval_valid_values Hash An object defining a set of valid values for the health check interval. It has a key to define whether is a range of values or a list of values.
health_check_timeout_valid_values Hash An object defining a set of valid values for the health check timeout. It has a key to define whether is a range of values or a list of values.
health_check_threshold_count_valid_values Hash An object defining a set of valid values for the health check threshold count. It has a key to define whether is a range of values or a list of values.
realm_id String Indicates the Id of the realm of the cloud provider.
cloud_provider_id String Identifier of the associated cloud provider.
realm_provider_name String Name of the realm of the cloud provider.
flavour_provider_name String Name of the flavour on the cloud provider.
deprecated Boolean Indicates if the storage plan is deprecated.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "load_balancer_plan".

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