Node Pool Plans


Node Pool Plans

A node pool plan contains the technical specification of a certain node pool of a certain cloud provider inside a cluster.

Show node pool plan

GET /v3/kubernetes/node_pool_plans/:id

This action shows the information of a node pool plan identified by the given id.




A node pool plan with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the node pool plan.
name String Name of the node pool plan.
cpu_types Array of Strings Array of types of CPU a node pool with this plan can have.
autoscaling_capable Boolean Flag indicating whether the node pool with this plan can have autoscaling configured.
pods_per_node_presence Boolean Flag indicating whether the node pool with this plan will need to configure pods per node.
first_node_pool_capable Boolean Flag indicating whether the node pool with this plan can be the first in a cluster.
cpus Integer Number of cpus each node of the node pool with this node pool plan will have.
memory Integer Memory size each node of the node pool with this node pool plan will have, in Mibibytes (MiB).
realm_id String Identifier of the realm of the cloud provider.
server_plan_id String Identifier of the associated server plan.
deprecated Boolean Indicates if the node pool plan is deprecated.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "node_pool_plan".

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