


A subscription represents a means or mode to integrate a cloud provider account for management in the platform.

List subscriptions

GET /v3/admin/customers/:customer_id/subscriptions

It lists the subscriptions belonging to a customer.




An array of subscriptions, each with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the subscription.
name String Logical name of the subscription.
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription.
remote_id String Identifier of the subscription on Connect / APS / CBC Hub.
state String State of the subscription. Specifically, can be one of the following: discovering, discovery_error, operational.
standalone Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription is standalone (true) or integrated (false).
counters Hash Hash containing number of resources deployed on the cloud accounts of the subscription, by type.
destroyable Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription can be destroyed or not.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "subscription".

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Show subscription

GET /v3/admin/subscriptions/:id

It shows information about a subscription of a customer.




A subscription with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the subscription.
name String Logical name of the subscription.
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription.
remote_id String Identifier of the subscription on Connect / APS / CBC Hub.
state String State of the subscription. Specifically, can be one of the following: discovering, discovery_error, operational.
standalone Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription is standalone (true) or integrated (false).
counters Hash Hash containing number of resources deployed on the cloud accounts of the subscription, by type.
destroyable Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription can be destroyed or not.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "subscription".

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Create subscription

POST /v3/admin/customers/:customer_id/subscriptions

It creates a subscription for a customer.


Field Type Description Required
name String Logical name of the subscription. Yes
remote_id String Identifier of the subscription on Connect / APS / CBC Hub. No
standalone Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription is standalone (true) or integrated (false). Yes
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription. No


A subscription with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the subscription.
name String Logical name of the subscription.
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription.
remote_id String Identifier of the subscription on Connect / APS / CBC Hub.
state String State of the subscription. Specifically, can be one of the following: discovering, discovery_error, operational.
standalone Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription is standalone (true) or integrated (false).
counters Hash Hash containing number of resources deployed on the cloud accounts of the subscription, by type.
destroyable Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription can be destroyed or not.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "subscription".

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Update subscription

PUT /v3/admin/subscriptions/:id

It modifies the information about a subscription of a customer.


Field Type Description Required
name String Logical name of the subscription. No
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription. No


A subscription with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the subscription.
name String Logical name of the subscription.
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription.
remote_id String Identifier of the subscription on Connect / APS / CBC Hub.
state String State of the subscription. Specifically, can be one of the following: discovering, discovery_error, operational.
standalone Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription is standalone (true) or integrated (false).
counters Hash Hash containing number of resources deployed on the cloud accounts of the subscription, by type.
destroyable Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription can be destroyed or not.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "subscription".

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Destroy subscription

DELETE /v3/admin/subscriptions/:id

It destroys a subscription of a customer.


Field Type Description Required
force Boolean Flag indicating whether the subscription must be destroyed even if it is not destroyable. No



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Discover subscription

PUT /v3/admin/subscriptions/:id/discover

It starts the execution of a cloud account discovery for the subscription.




A subscription with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the subscription.
name String Logical name of the subscription.
cloud_provider_ids Array of Strings Identifiers of the cloud providers allowed for this subscription.
remote_id String Identifier of the subscription on Connect / APS / CBC Hub.
state String State of the subscription. Specifically, can be one of the following: discovering, discovery_error, operational.
standalone Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription is standalone (true) or integrated (false).
counters Hash Hash containing number of resources deployed on the cloud accounts of the subscription, by type.
destroyable Boolean Flag to indicate whether this subscription can be destroyed or not.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "subscription".

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List cloud accounts

GET /v3/admin/subscriptions/:subscription_id/cloud_accounts

It lists the cloud accounts available for a subscription.




An array of cloud accounts, each with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the cloud account.
cloud_provider_id String Identifier of the cloud provider.
subscription_id String Identifier of the subscription.
name String The logical name for the cloud account.
remote_id String Identifier of the cloud account on Connect / APS / CBC Hub.
destroyable Boolean Flag to indicate whether the cloud account can be destroyed or not.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "cloud_account".
supports_importing Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing servers.
supports_importing_vpcs Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing VPCs.
supports_importing_floating_ips Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing floating IPs.
supports_importing_volumes Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing volumes.
supports_importing_policies Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing policies.
supports_importing_kubernetes_clusters Boolean Flag to indicate whether this cloud account supports importing kubernetes clusters.

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