
DNS Domain

Allow the user to manage the DNS domains natively con cloud providers.

List DNS domains

GET /v3/network/dns/domains

Lists all domains.




An array of DNS domains of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS domain.
name String Name of the DNS domain.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS domain on the cloud.
state String Status of the DNS domain.
name_servers Array of String Array of the name servers for the domain to be used on the user's registrar to redirect DNS traffic to the managed by the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account in which the DNS domain is deployed.
global_state String Global state of the DNS domain, taking into account both the state of the DNS domain and all its records.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "dns domain".
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the DNS domain has assigned.

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Show DNS domain

GET /v3/network/dns/domains/:id

Shows information about a specific DNS domain.




Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS domain.
name String Name of the DNS domain.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS domain on the cloud.
state String Status of the DNS domain.
name_servers Array of String Array of the name servers for the domain to be used on the user's registrar to redirect DNS traffic to the managed by the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account in which the DNS domain is deployed.
global_state String Global state of the DNS domain, taking into account both the state of the DNS domain and all its records.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "dns domain".
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the DNS domain has assigned.

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Create DNS domain

POST /v3/network/dns/domains

Creates a new DNS domain.


Field Type Description Required
name String Name of the DNS domain. Yes
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account in which the DNS domain is deployed. Yes
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels to assign to the DNS domain. No


Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS domain.
name String Name of the DNS domain.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS domain on the cloud.
state String Status of the DNS domain.
name_servers Array of String Array of the name servers for the domain to be used on the user's registrar to redirect DNS traffic to the managed by the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account in which the DNS domain is deployed.
global_state String Global state of the DNS domain, taking into account both the state of the DNS domain and all its records.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "dns domain".
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the DNS domain has assigned.

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Destroy DNS domain

DELETE /v3/network/dns/domains/:id

It deletes a DNS domain.




Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS domain.
name String Name of the DNS domain.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS domain on the cloud.
state String Status of the DNS domain.
name_servers Array of String Array of the name servers for the domain to be used on the user's registrar to redirect DNS traffic to the managed by the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account in which the DNS domain is deployed.
global_state String Global state of the DNS domain, taking into account both the state of the DNS domain and all its records.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "dns domain".
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the DNS domain has assigned.

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Retry DNS domain

PUT /v3/network/dns/domains/:id/retry

It retries the application of a DNS domain, if the DNS domain could not have been applied previously on the cloud provider.




Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS domain.
name String Name of the DNS domain.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS domain on the cloud.
state String Status of the DNS domain.
name_servers Array of String Array of the name servers for the domain to be used on the user's registrar to redirect DNS traffic to the managed by the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account in which the DNS domain is deployed.
global_state String Global state of the DNS domain, taking into account both the state of the DNS domain and all its records.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "dns domain".
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the DNS domain has assigned.

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DNS Record

Allow the user to manage DNS records inside a DNS domain.

List DNS records of a DNS domain

GET /v3/network/dns/domains/:id/records

Lists all DNS records of a DNS domain.




An array of DNS records of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS record.
name String Name of the DNS record.
content String Content of the DNS record. This is the target that the DNS infrastructure will serve when a DNS request for this record is requested.
state String state of the DNS record.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS record on the cloud.
type String Type of the DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. 
ttl Integer TTL, or TIme To Live of the DNS record.
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain which this record belongs to.
instance_id String Identifier of the instance attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘cname'.
priority Integer Priority of the record. Only valid for records of types ‘mx' and ‘srv'.
weight Integer Weight of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
port Integer Port of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'

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Show DNS record

GET /v3/network/dns/records/:id

Shows information about a specific DNS record.




a DNS record of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS record.
name String Name of the DNS record.
content String Content of the DNS record. This is the target that the DNS infrastructure will serve when a DNS request for this record is requested.
state String state of the DNS record.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS record on the cloud.
type String Type of the DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. 
ttl Integer TTL, or TIme To Live of the DNS record.
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain which this record belongs to.
instance_id String Identifier of the instance attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘cname'.
priority Integer Priority of the record. Only valid for records of types ‘mx' and ‘srv'.
weight Integer Weight of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
port Integer Port of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'

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Create DNS record

POST /v3/network/dns/domains/:domain_id/records

Creates a new DNS record inside the specified DNS domain.


Field Type Description Required
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain Yes.
name String Name of the DNS record Yes.
ttl String TTL of the DNS record. Defaults to 3600 if not provided. No
content String Content of the DNS record. No*
instance_id String Identifier of the Instance that is wanted to be attached to the record. No*
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP that is wanted to be attached to the record. No*
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer that is wanted to be attached to the record. No*
priority String Priority of the record. Only valid for ‘mx' and ‘srv' types. Defaults to 0. No
weight String Weight of the record. Only valid for ‘srv' type. Defaults to 0. No
port String Port of the record. Only valid for ‘srv' type. Defaults to 0. No
type String Type of the  DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. Yes

(*) Note: For fields marked with * on required, one and only one of the fields must be provided.


a DNS record of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS record.
name String Name of the DNS record.
content String Content of the DNS record. This is the target that the DNS infrastructure will serve when a DNS request for this record is requested.
state String state of the DNS record.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS record on the cloud.
type String Type of the DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. 
ttl Integer TTL, or TIme To Live of the DNS record.
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain which this record belongs to.
instance_id String Identifier of the instance attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘cname'.
priority Integer Priority of the record. Only valid for records of types ‘mx' and ‘srv'.
weight Integer Weight of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
port Integer Port of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'

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Update DNS record

PUT /v3/network/dns/records/:id

Updates an existing DNS record.


Field Type Description Required
content String Content of the record No
ttl Integer TTL of the record No
priority Integer Priority of the record No
weight Integer Weight of the record No
port Integer Port of the record No


a DNS record of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS record.
name String Name of the DNS record.
content String Content of the DNS record. This is the target that the DNS infrastructure will serve when a DNS request for this record is requested.
state String state of the DNS record.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS record on the cloud.
type String Type of the DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. 
ttl Integer TTL, or TIme To Live of the DNS record.
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain which this record belongs to.
instance_id String Identifier of the instance attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘cname'.
priority Integer Priority of the record. Only valid for records of types ‘mx' and ‘srv'.
weight Integer Weight of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
port Integer Port of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'

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Destroy DNS record

DELETE /v3/network/dns/records/:id

It deletes a DNS record.




the deleted DNS record with the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS record.
name String Name of the DNS record.
content String Content of the DNS record. This is the target that the DNS infrastructure will serve when a DNS request for this record is requested.
state String state of the DNS record.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS record on the cloud.
type String Type of the DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. 
ttl Integer TTL, or TIme To Live of the DNS record.
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain which this record belongs to.
instance_id String Identifier of the instance attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘cname'.
priority Integer Priority of the record. Only valid for records of types ‘mx' and ‘srv'.
weight Integer Weight of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
port Integer Port of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'

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Retry DNS record

PUT /v3/network/dns/records/:record_id/retry

This action retries the application of a DNS record, if the DNS record could not have been applied previously on the cloud provider.




A DNS record with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the DNS record.
name String Name of the DNS record.
content String Content of the DNS record. This is the target that the DNS infrastructure will serve when a DNS request for this record is requested.
state String state of the DNS record.
remote_id String Identifier of the DNS record on the cloud.
type String Type of the DNS record, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'. 
ttl Integer TTL, or TIme To Live of the DNS record.
domain_id String Identifier of the DNS domain which this record belongs to.
instance_id String Identifier of the instance attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
floating_ip_id String Identifier of the floating IP attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘a'.
load_balancer_id String Identifier of the load balancer attached to the record, if any. Only valid for records of type ‘cname'.
priority Integer Priority of the record. Only valid for records of types ‘mx' and ‘srv'.
weight Integer Weight of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
port Integer Port of the record. Only valid for records of type ‘srv'.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, among ‘a', ‘aaaa', ‘cname', ‘mx', ‘srv', ‘txt'

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