Key Vaults


Key Vaults

Key vaults represent a set of sensitive data that a user wants to keep away from other users of the platform, but wants to be used by different resources deployed on a cloud provider. These key vaults can be deployed by a user on a cloud provider.

List key vaults

GET /v3/secret/key_vaults

This action returns information about all the key vaults inside a customer.




An array of key vaults, with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the key vault.
name String Logical name of the key vault.
remote_id String Identifier of the key vault on the cloud provider.
state String State of the key vault. It can be any of the following: start, deploying, active, decommissioning, stalled, end.
key_vault_plan_id String Identifier of the key vault plan the key vault has.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the key vault was imported from a cloud account (true) or created using IMCO (false).
label_ids String List of ids corresponding to the labels the key vault has assigned.
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "key_vault".

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Show key vault

GET /v3/secret/key_vaults/:id

This action returns information about the key vault identified by the given id.




Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the key vault.
name String Logical name of the key vault.
remote_id String Identifier of the key vault on the cloud provider.
state String State of the key vault. It can be any of the following: start, deploying, active, decommissioning, stalled, end.
key_vault_plan_id String Identifier of the key vault plan the key vault has.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the key vault was imported from a cloud account (true) or created using IMCO (false).
label_ids String List of ids corresponding to the labels the key vault has assigned.
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "key_vault".

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Create key vault

POST /v3/secret/key_vaults/

This action creates a new key vault.


Field Type Description Required
name String Logical name of the key vault. Yes           
key_vault_plan_id String Identifier of the key vault plan that will use the key vault to be created. Yes
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account the key vault will be deployed. Yes
label_ids Array of strings List of ids corresponding to the labels to assign to the key vault. No
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. No


Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the key vault.
name String Logical name of the key vault.
remote_id String Identifier of the key vault on the cloud provider.
state String State of the key vault. It can be any of the following: start, deploying, active, decommissioning, stalled, end.
key_vault_plan_id String Identifier of the key vault plan the key vault has.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the key vault was imported from a cloud account (true) or created using IMCO (false).
label_ids String List of ids corresponding to the labels the key vault has assigned.
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "key_vault".

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Update key vault

PUT /v3/secret/key_vaults/:id

This action modifies the key vault with the given parameters.


Field Type Description Required
name String Logical name of the key vault. No


Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the key vault.
name String Logical name of the key vault.
remote_id String Identifier of the key vault on the cloud provider.
state String State of the key vault. It can be any of the following: start, deploying, active, decommissioning, stalled, end.
key_vault_plan_id String Identifier of the key vault plan the key vault has.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the key vault was imported from a cloud account (true) or created using IMCO (false).
label_ids String List of ids corresponding to the labels the key vault has assigned.
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "key_vault".

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Delete key vault

DELETE /v3/secret/key_vaults/:id

This action deletes the key vault with the given id.




Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the key vault.
name String Logical name of the key vault.
remote_id String Identifier of the key vault on the cloud provider.
state String State of the key vault. It can be any of the following: start, deploying, active, decommissioning, stalled, end.
key_vault_plan_id String Identifier of the key vault plan the key vault has.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the key vault was imported from a cloud account (true) or created using IMCO (false).
label_ids String List of ids corresponding to the labels the key vault has assigned.
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "key_vault".

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List secrets of a key vault

GET /v3/secret/key_vaults/:key_vault_id/secrets

This action returns the secrets that the key vault identified by the given key_vault_id has.




An array of secrets, with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the secret.
name String Logical name of the secret.
key vault_id String Identifier of the key vault which the secret belongs.
remote_id String Identifier of the secret on the cloud provider.
state String State of the secret. It can be one of these values: start, deploying, available, decommissioning, stalled, updating_versions, updating_error, end.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the secret has been imported from a cloud account (true) or created using IMCO (false).
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud.
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "secret".

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