


Allow the user to manage volumes. Available from version 8.2 onwards.

List volumes

GET /v3/storage/volumes

Lists all volumes.


Field Type Description Required
server_id String Id of a server to return only the volumes that are attached with that server   No


An array of volumes of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Show volume

GET /v3/storage/volumes/:id

Shows information about a specific volume.




a volume of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Create volume

POST /v3/storage/volumes

Creates a new volume.


Field Type Description Required
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume. Yes
label_ids String List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned. Yes
name String Name of the volume Yes
size Integer Size for the volume, in GB Yes
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards. No
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the realm in which the floating IP is. Yes


a volume of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Update volume

PUT /v3/storage/volumes/:id

Updates an existing volume.


Field Type Description Required
name String The new name of the volume. No


a volume of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Destroy volume

DELETE /v3/storage/volumes/:id

Deletes a volume.




the deleted volume with the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Resize volume

PUT /v3/storage/volumes/:id/resize

Resize an existing volume.


Field Type Description Required
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB. Yes


a volume of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Discard volume

DELETE /v3/storage/volumes/:id/discard

Discards a volume from IMCO but does not delete it from the cloud provider.




the discarded volume with the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Attach volume to server

POST /v3/storage/volumes/:volume_id/attached_server

Attaches a volume to a server.


Field Type Description Required
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server where the volume will be attached Yes


a volume of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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Detach volume to server

DELETE /v3/storage/volumes/:volume_id/attached_server

Detaches a volume from a server.




a volume of the following format:

Field Type Description
id String Identifier of the volume.
name String Name of the volume.
size Integer Size of the volume, in GB
device String The logical device where the volume is mounted inside the server, when available.
state String State of the floating IP.
remote_id String Identifier of the volume resource on the cloud provider
storage_plan_id String Identifier of the storage plan of the cloud provider.
cloud_account_id String Identifier of the cloud account of the volume.
realm_id String Identifier of the realm in which the volume is.
attached_server_id String Identifier of the server which the volume is attached. Nil If the volume is not attached.
brownfield Boolean Flag indicating if the volume is brownfield (imported).
resource_type String An identifier for the type of resource, specifically "volume".
desired_remote_id String Identifier that the user wants to have as Identifier of the resource on the cloud. Available from version 10.3 onwards.
label_ids Array of Strings List of ids corresponding to the labels the volume has assigned.

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